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  • German

    Year 8

    • Personal information, Brothers & sisters, Pets, Physical descriptions, Family members, Characteristics.
    • School and subjects
    • Sport, Hobbies, Likes & dislikes, Information about others, Arranging meeting, Favourite things.
    • Where I live, My house, Local area, Activities in town, Food & drink
    • Cultural information about German speaking countries.


    • The present tense
    • Introduction to the case system and endings

    Year 9

    • Personal details, Weather, Saying what you did yesterday, Saying what someone else  did  yesterday, telling the time (digital), A  recent holiday, Travel & accommodation, School trip, Train tickets, Lost property
    • Parts of the body, Illness, Keeping fit, Breakfast, Food likes & dislikes, Shops,
    • Buying food, Cultural information about German speaking countries.


    • the perfect tense
    • revision of the present, imperfect and future
    • revision of modal verbs
    • subordinate clauses
    • um….zu….
    • cases



    Key Stage 4 – GCSE Specification AQA Languages – (for the 2023 – 2025 cohort sitting exams in Summer 2025)


    Year 10

    •          Identity  and culture

    • Me, my family and friends
    • Technology in everyday life
    • Free-time activities
    • Customs and festivals
    • Local, national, international and global areas of interest
    • Home, town, neighbourhood and region
    • Social issues (charity/voluntary work, healthy and unhealthy living)
    • Global issues (the environment, poverty and homelessness)
    • Travel and tourism

    Year 11

    • Current and future study and employment
    • My studies
    • Life at school
    • Education post-16
    • Jobs, career choices and ambitions



    Key Stage 4 – GCSE NEW Specification AQA Languages (for the 2024 cohort onwards – for first exams in Summer 2026)

    New Specification for Summer 2026 exam – outline of new exam structure & assessment at Foundation & Higher Tier – here

     Year 10

    •          Theme 1 – People & Lifestyle

    Unit 1 – Identity & relationship with others

    Unit 2 – healthy living & lifestyle

    Unit 3 – Education & Work

    Theme 2 – Popular Culture

    Unit 4 – Free time activities

    Unit 5 – Customs, festivals & celebrations

    Unit 6 – Celebrity Culture

    Year 11

    Theme 3 – Communication & the world around us

    Unit 7 – Travel & tourism (places of interest)

    Unit 8 – Media & technology

    Unit 9 – The environment & where people live

    Revision /past papers & speaking exam preparations

    The speaking exam will be sat after the Easter holidays in Year 11 and the other three exams will be sat during the exam period at the end of Year 11.


    Further Information:

    Homework will be set each week via Satchel One.

    Digital textbooks & audio material can be accessed online using your son’s Kerboodle account:  KS3 – Allez 1 and 2   KS4 – Kerboodle AQA French (higher and foundation)

    Useful websites for support and extension:

    *please ask the teacher for usernames and passwords