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  • In Year Admissions

    Joining William Ellis School

    Please take a look at the short films on our ‘Window into our school’ pageclick here to see the school community in action.


    In year applications are made directly to the school. If a place is available and there is no waiting list, the governors will offer a place to the family. If more applications are received than places available, applications will be ranked by the governing body in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out in the policy (with the exception of criterion 4). If a place cannot be offered, then you may ask us for the reasons and you will be informed of your right to appeal. You will be offered the opportunity of being placed on a waiting list. This waiting list will be maintained by the governing body in order of the oversubscription criteria and not in the order in which the applications are received. Termly reviews and updates to our waiting lists will be made by the school. When a place becomes available, the governing body will decide who is at the top of the list and they will inform the parents that the school is making an offer. In accordance with statutory requirements, Camden’s Admissions Team will be notified of all applications and offers made to/for the school.


    To apply for a place after the start of the school year, or for any other year group, please complete the school’s In Year Application form below.

    Click here for our in year application form.

    If you have any queries you may contact Admissions staff by email:

    Depending on whether places are available, you will be contacted to arrange a meeting with the Head of Year or informed where your son is placed on the waiting list.


    In some situations it may be appropriate for a student to be placed with a cohort outside their normal age range. Decisions about this will consider the parents’ views and the individual circumstances and will be made at the discretion of the governing body.


    The school accepts applications from overseas. For the purposes of oversubscription criterion 6 we will accept a future address should the applicant have evidence of one.


    William Ellis School is part of the LaSWAP sixth form consortium made up of four schools: La Sainte Union, William Ellis, Acland Burghley and Parliament Hill schools. Applications to sixth form are made via the LaSWAP office. Their contact details can be found on their website:

    Reviewed - July 2021