"Transition arrangements between primary and secondary school are particularly strong. This is no mean feat, considering that pupils join William Ellis from over 35 primary schools. The transition summer schools are well thought of by parents and pupils".
This page contains information for the boys and their families joining the school in September 2025.
On 19th March 2025 we will be hosting a Welcome and Information event for families who have been offered a school place for September 2025. Families will receive details of this event with their offer letter .
We will be keeping in regular contact with our offered families between March and September to let you know about the forthcoming events for Year 6 students and their families.
Primary School visit (April-June):
Mr Altmann, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Transition, or another membership of our school's leadership team, will visit your son at his primary school during the school day. This meeting will be arranged between the two schools – parents do not need to do anything to facilitate arranging this meeting and are not asked to attend. If there are several boys coming to William Ellis from the same primary school a single meeting will be held for all the boys at once. This 15-20 minute meeting begins to build the relationship between the student and our school community and allows the Head of Year to plan for each student’s transition to William Ellis School based on information from the Year 6 teacher and from interaction with the student and his peers.
Your son may also receive a visit from some of our Year 7 Transition mentors. These are boys in the current Year 7 at WES who are trained as mentors for the Year 6s. They visit a number of local primaries and deliver workshops on the transition from primary to secondary.
A short video about the mentoring programme can be viewed below.
Transition Interview (7th May - Siblings / 10th May - Distance and Music Places):
Your family will be invited to a meeting with a member of the school’s leadership team to complete the admissions process. You and your son will have a 10-15 minute informal interview with a member of staff, during which your admissions forms and documents will be checked through. The staff member will enquire about your son’s school career to date and will ask a little about his interests both inside and outside of school. You and your son will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about William Ellis School. In addition, you will be able to view samples of school uniform to assist you with placing your orders and meet members of our Parents' Association, WESPA.
Induction Day (Wednesday 2nd July):
A ‘taster’ day, during which your son will meet his form tutor and peers from his form, attend his first Secondary School Assembly, experience some lessons, begin to get a feel for the school and Secondary School life and have fun! This event takes place while some of the Year 8 students are away at Camp and Year 10 are out on work experience placements; with fewer students in school the secondary school experience is often less daunting for the new students. There will also be some Year 7 mentors helping out on the day. Your son is not expected to wear school uniform on this day.
Parents’ Information Evening (7th July):
An event just for parents during which Mr Altmann will speak about the school, the expectations and the key school-parent partnership in the transition to Secondary School. This is a chance for you to get informed and to ask any questions that you may have and meet other parents, including those from WESPA. You will also meet your son’s future form tutor.
Summer School (26th-29th August):
A chance for boys to meet staff and make new friends before starting school in September. Typically, the Summer School offers daily on-site activities such as Drama, Science experiments, various sports, Music, Geography as well as art workshops, and at least one off-site trip.
First Day for Year 7 students (3rd September):
Your son’s first day in his William Ellis uniform. After a Welcome Assembly, boys will receive their timetable, register on the biometric system for their school dinner account, spend time with their new form group, and take part in activities designed to help them navigate the school and acquaint themselves with the Secondary School day.
Welcome Evening (September date tbc):
Another chance for parents to learn about the year ahead, meet staff and ask any questions arising from their sons’ first few weeks at school.
Year 7 Camp (September dates tbc)
Year 7 students will go on their first residential trip to our outdoor education centre, The Mill. This trip takes place at the beginning of the academic year as a way for students to initiate team building with their peers from the very start of their time at William Ellis. For further information see the Year 7 Camp page.
Your son’s blazer and PE kit (embroidered with the school logo) must be ordered directly from our uniform supplier, Sportswear International: www.swischoolwear.co.uk, while other, plain, items may be purchased form any high street retailer.
For full information about the uniform requirements, please see the Uniform page.
Boys are expected to come to school with all the books and equipment they will need for the lessons they have timetabled each day:
* The school will provide exercise books for each subject which students are then responsible for keeping safe and bringing to school each day
Break and Lunchtimes
A designated outside area known as The Quad is open to Year 7 students only at break times and lunchtimes. This is a smaller area than the main playground where boys may play table-tennis or chess, or just sit chatting in the fresh air.
The Library is open at break times and lunchtimes most days. This is a space for boys to read and use the computers to complete work or carry out independent learning.
During their first few weeks at William Ellis, Year 7 boys have an early lunchtime. This arrangement allows them time to familiarise themselves with the biometric system for purchasing meals and allows greater opportunity for students to form friendships outside of their form groups before the canteen becomes busy.
Mentoring for Year 7 students
A short video about the mentoring programme can be viewed below.