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  • Safeguarding

    Keeping Your Child Safe.
    At William Ellis, safeguarding is at the centre of all that we do; we are unequivocally committed to ensuring that all students are safe, happy and secure whilst in our care. Through clear procedures and practice we are duty-bound to promote the welfare of students, and we expect all staff and volunteers to wholeheartedly share this commitment. Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and our processes are in place and clear. Every member of staff (including supply staff, volunteers and governors) must always ensure that they are aware of these procedures. 

    Our Safeguarding Team 

    Designated Safeguarding Lead: Lisa Smith (Assistant Headteacher) 
    Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: 
                 - Karl Altmann KS3 & 4 (Assistant Headteacher)
                 - Flora Wilson KS5 (Acting Deputy Headteacher) 
    Safeguarding Officer: Hayley Ward 

    Our Designated Safeguarding Governor is Mr Hugh Matheson 


    To report any safeguarding concerns about students please use the email addresses linked above to contact us.We will always take your concerns seriously.

    Our Safeguarding Procedures 

    Our safeguarding procedures are created to ensure that every student feels safe at school and all are free from harm. We undertake regular training and continuous development in safeguarding processes and procedures, to help promote our culture of safeguarding amongst all staff and volunteers. 

    Our safeguarding policy  encompasses  themes including Child protection; Behaviour;  Attendance;  Children missing from care or education;  Bullying and cyber-bullying and the misuse of social media;  Radicalisation & Extremism;  Gang culture; Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE); Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE); Racial & Homophobic discrimination. We teach pupils about safeguarding issues, including how to respond to concerns, in the pastoral curriculum and PSHE lessons. 

    Parents: if you have a Safeguarding concern - If you  have any safeguarding concerns or would like to raise any questions,  your first contact should be your child's Tutor or Head of Year. If you still have questions or issues to discuss, you are also welcome to contact our school's Safeguarding Team.  

    Students: if you have a Safeguarding concern - First contact should be with the  Tutor or Head of Year; however, this could be any trusted adult in school. The adult will refer to the Safeguarding Team if there is a concern about the safety of the child. In most instances’ parents /  guardians will be informed unless it is deemed the student may be brought to harm or more at risk by doing so. 

    Staff: you have a Safeguarding concern - you must report it immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy. If you believe a child is in immediate danger,  call the police on 999 and inform the Head Teacher.


    Additional Resources:  

    Anyone can call the  NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 - They will then pass the concern onto the local child protection team who will investigate it. 

    • Concerns can be reported directly to the Local Authority Child Protection team on 020 7974 3317 (out of hours: 020 7974 4444) 

    • Online Safety Resources  to support parents can be found at National Online Safety on the link below.  

     National Online Safety Advice  

    • Keeping Children Safe in Education,  statutory guidance for schools from September 2024. 

     Statutory Guidance Briefing 2024  

    • Free 24/7 Urgent Mental Health Support For Young People, resources on the link below. 

     Urgent Support Provision 24/7  

    • Safeguarding Children, NSPCC advice on what organisations need to do to protect children from harm. 

     NSPCC Advice For Organisations  

     • Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership, with lots of information and helpful resources for parents and carers 

     Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership  


    To view our Safeguarding Policy please see /about-us/policies-and-documents

    Any amendments to the Safeguarding Policy in response to KCSiE 2024 will be included in an amended policy at the first possible opportunity.