Our purpose and vision
Our aims
We are a school where students:
- Have ambition, work hard and make excellent progress
- Believe that by applying themselves they can get better
- Are involved in their own learning and help drive school decisions
- Feel supported, welcomed and respected for their individuality
- Know their rights and responsibilities and are prepared to be responsible, global citizens in a democratic society
- Possess an informed understanding of the world of work and how wealth is created with an awareness of ethical behaviour, respect for the environment and social justice
- Cultivate creative skills and an appreciation of art, music, drama and design
- Develop an interest in the wider world and other cultures
- Have pride in their school and have high expectations for themselves and their peers
Our values
- Promote the highest achievement in our students
- Are committed to excellent teaching in a well-ordered, stimulating learning environment as this is a right for all students
- Build strong relationships with students and each other
- Continuously evaluate the progress learners are making
- Demonstrate and articulate social and moral values and respect for others
- Challenge fixed mindsets because we believe that through focused effort and constructive feedback individual (and collective) capability will develop
- Listen to student voice and act on it
- Celebrate a broad range of achievements: academic, artistic, sporting, leadership