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  • Parents

    We aim to develop close relationships with the home, creating a strong partnership that supports the learning and development of our students effectively.

    We ask parents and carers to support their son's learning by:

    • ensuring he attends school regularly, punctually and properly equipped;
    • informing the school of any concerns or problems that might affect his work or behaviour;
    • encouraging him to work hard, give of his best and develop his potential to the fullest;
    • ensuring he completes all homework and coursework assignments properly and hands them in on time;
    • checking and signing his planner each week;
    • encouraging him to take part in extra-curricular activities;
    • attending parent-teacher meetings and any other meetings which are arranged to discuss his progress; and
    • supporting the school's policies especially regarding uniform and behaviour

    The school's policies and other useful documents can be found here.