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  • Art & Design

    Head of Subject Laura Madsen (email

    In the subject of Art and Design we aim to inspire and capture, nurture and encourage the creative abilities we believe are innate in every student.

    Through a rich and varied curriculum we actively foster curiosity and self discovery, collaboration and independent learning.

    Year 7

    What will your son study?

    The year is divided up into three projects covering a wide range of media and art. The emphasis will be on hands-on experience of tools and materials and on exploring connections between the stages of each project. Homework and independent study will play an important part of the course and during the year a number of open ended mini-projects will be set.

    Autumn - Me, Myself and Eye

    Spring- Still Life and Cubism

    Summer- Architecture


    Year 8

    What will your son study?

    The work in Year 8 builds on the experience in Year 7, but with an increased emphasis on teaching drawing and painting skills.

    Themes in each term

    Autumn - Text in Art

    Spring- Issue Based Art

    Summer - Natural Forms


    Year 9

    What will your son study?

    In Year 9 your son will complete two projects.
    The project themes are:

    Autumn - Street Art
    Spring/Summer - Self Portraiture

    The projects aim to build on your son’s experience in Year 7 and 8 and prepare him for the possibility of studying Art at GCSE. The Self-Portraiture unit is used as a catalyst for the GSCE Art and Design coursework (worth 60% of the grade).

    During both projects there will be an emphasis on key drawing skills and opportunities to experience a wide range of media, including painting and art/design in ICT.