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  • About the governing body


    Governors are entrusted to improving education for all students at the school.  They are committed to the school’s vision and ethos and work in a professional manner as members of the governor team to support the development of the school.  All governors demonstrate a willingness to learn more about the school and issues in education so that they can use the broad range of skills, knowledge and experience which exists across the team to benefit all our students.

    The Governing Body keeps their skills, knowledge and experience under review.  This enables us to identify training needs and, when vacancies arise, identify the background, skills and knowledge desired in any new foundation or co-opted governor appointment.

    The experience, knowledge and skills which exist in the Governing Body include:

    • Building/premises management
    • Business planning
    • Communication
    • Data management
    • Family Support
    • Finance
    • Human Resources
    • Information Technology and Systems
    • Law and Children’s Law
    • Literature for children/young people
    • Marketing
    • Mediation
    • Organisational Change
    • Performance Management
    • Policy development
    • Professional leadership
    • Project Management
    • Public Relations
    • Quality Assurance
    • Research
    • Sales
    • Statistics
    • Strategic Planning
    • Website Development

    Many of governors have extensive links with our local community and there are a number with strong links to local businesses.  Several of our governors have experience of working or volunteering with young people and they are all committed to hearing from the students at William Ellis School about what is working well and what could work better.  Governors regularly visit the school when it is in session to observe learning in and out of the classroom, to engage students in discussion about relevant issues and to assist the school in its evaluation of the progress it is making.