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News Posts

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  • Year 10 Language Leaders

    Published 15/03/22

    Our Year 10 linguists have been visiting local primary schools and teaching modern foreign languages to Key Stage 2 children.

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  • World Book Day celebrations

    Published 28/02/22

    This week we have been celebrating 25 years of World Book Day.

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  • House Poetry Competition 2021

    Published 07/01/22

    During December students worked on entries for the House Poetry competition and in the last week of Autumn term the winners were chosen from a strong field. 

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  • October's Non-Uniform Day donations in support of the Poppy Appeal

    Published 18/11/21

    Members of the school council were pleased to hand over a weighty Non-Uniform Day donations box to the Royal British Legion in this centenary year for the Poppy Appeal.

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  • Camden and Islington Cup winners 2021

    Published 22/10/21

    We are so proud of our Year 9 football team, winners of this year's Camden and Islington Cup

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  • WESPA 3K Challenge and Cross Country success

    Published 18/10/21

    Key Stage 3 students have been achieving on the running track both locally and further afield over the last few weeks.

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  • Year 8 Autumn Camp

    Published 27/09/21

    Our Surrey residential space, The Mill, was back in action this September, hosting our first camp trip in over two years.

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  • Year 11 GCSE Results 2021

    Published 12/08/21

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • A Level and vocational success

    Published 10/08/21

    Celebration of Key Stage 5 results - 10th August 2021

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  • Prom in the Playground at Gospel Oak Primary School

    Published 06/08/21

    The William Ellis brass group were delighted to join Year 6 students from Gospel Oak Primary at their 'Prom in the Playground' event which took place last month.

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  • Online e-library trial

    Published 16/07/21

    William Ellis students can borrow eBooks and Audiobooks until August without subscriptions or overdue fees.

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  • Child Employment Permits

    Published 08/07/21

    Students aged 13 – 16 who have a part-time job or holiday work need to ensure that their employer has applied for an employment permit from the council where the business is based.

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