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Careers (CEIAG)

Free careers events for parents

InvestIN is a UK-based organisation that provides students aged 12-18 with an immersive experience of their dream career. InvestIN runs a series of bespoke, free-of-charge events for parents specifically designed to help you enhance students' career potential and to give parents the essential tools they'll need to support their child on their career journey.

Events are run by leading experts and are free to attend. Their programme of events includes sessions on how to break into medicine, learning leadership skills, launching a career, fighting climate change and much more.

Please click on the link below to find out more and register for upcoming events:

Events for Parents | InvestIN

Careers at William Ellis School

CEIAG stands for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Strategy

William Ellis School has a firm commitment to Careers Education, Independent Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) and

Work Related Learning (WRL) in the belief that it supports our school mission in the following ways:

  • By raising aspirations and enabling social mobility

  • By empowering young people to plan and manage their own futures

  • By supporting young people to achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives

  • By enabling young people to achieve their full personal and professional potential

  • By providing accurate information and expertise in how to use it

  • By promoting all pathways equally, and equipping students to understand which pathways are right for them as unique individuals

  • By promoting diversity and equality for all

  • By helping young people to become employable, and ready for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.


William Ellis School is committed to providing our students with an excellent programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and work-related learning (WRL) for all students in years 7–13.

William Ellis School adheres to the Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies, School Leaders and School Staff January 2018, which in turn refers to Sections 42A1, 42B and 45A of the Education Act 1997 and Section 72 of the Education and Skills Act 2008.

William Ellis is also committed to providing independent, impartial face to face Careers advice from a Matrix accredited provider, and other external sources.

William Ellis endeavours to follow best practice guidance from the Careers profession, specifically, but not limited to the overarching principles of the Gatsby benchmarks and the holistic guidelines for pupil and student outcomes provided by the Career Development Institute Framework.

William Ellis is currently working towards a Quality in Careers Standards (QICS) award.

William Ellis School commits to achieving all 8 Gatsby benchmarks and a QICS award by July 2020.

Core Careers Team

  • Governor for Careers: Carlton Hood

  • Senior Leaders with oversight of Careers: Flora Wilson

  • Careers Leader: Horace Parry, Senior Pastoral Leader

  • Work Experience Coordinator: Horace Parry

  • Careers Advisors: Diana Lane, Madeleine Landreth, Anne-Marie Robins

  • External contacts: Work experience providers, employers, brokerage, HE, FE, apprenticeships

Careers Provision

Details of the planned careers provision for Years 7-13 can be found in the CEIAG Provider Access Policy.


Morrisby - careers guidance, resources and support for students and families:

Future First

Arsenal In The Community

Inspire EBP

Barclays LifeSkills

Central London Careers Hub - Reed in partnership