This Week's WESPA Round-Up:
Dear families,
Thank you so much to the 60 families who have sponsored their boys for this year’s Fun Run. You have raised just over £1500 for the PE department! Hiring of the track will cost nearly £4K and if anybody has yet to sponsor their son and would like to do so the link will stay open for another week. All donations however big or small are very welcome and will make a great dent in the hire fee!
WhatsApp Groups
As with the beginning of every school term, a recurring theme has been a request to join WhatsApp groups. There are a number of these set up to help share information between parents and all parents and carers are welcome. If you would like to be part of any of the groups please email
Permanent WESPA Groups run by WESPA
- WESPA Trustees: the WESPA Trustees group for Trustees only
- WESPA Team: Chat and discussion on WESPA activities and events for WESPA leads and active members and volunteers
- WESPA Music: the group for the WESPA music committee
- WESPA Choir: as the name would suggest, for members of the choir!
- WESPA Eco Group: A group dedicated to the environmental side of goings on at WES including uniform, outside spaces and local issues
Year Groups run by parents
These are parent run groups outside WESPA and there are groups for each year. WESPA is in contact with admins for each group and we would love to help link up as many parents and carers with their year group as possible. It’s a great way to share information and, amongst other things, copies of forms that may have got squashed at the bottom of your son’s bag.
If you would like to be part of any of these groups, please email with the name of your son and the year group you’d like to be linked to and we’ll send you a link to your group
Some suggestions for groups:
- be friendly: If you’re joining a group, please introduce yourself. And for those in the group, think back to when you started - a friendly welcome message goes a long way.
- be constructive: there are no moderators for these groups so we rely on each other for a constructive approach and respectful comments. If you are worried about something at school, get in touch with school. Here is a guide on the best routes and best ways to get in touch
- be safe: your number will be visible to all members of the group but you can join and leave groups at your own free will. Don’t share confidential details of your own or others and please don’t post pictures of students or discuss individuals
And finally, we’re all in this together - school, parents, boys - there will always be good and bad things to chat about. Let’s celebrate the good and deal with the challenges together.
I look forward to saying hello on chat group soon.