This Week's WESPA Round-Up:
Dear families,
I hope you have all had an enjoyable week.
Debating success
Huge congratulations to our WES debaters who completed their first debating competition at the London Boys’ School Network yesterday. Despite being younger than the average, they won their first round by a landslide and were narrowly defeated by the eventual winners. The debating society is an example of our school community at its best - an idea conceived by parent and governor Hugh Matheson, mentored each week in school by politics and social science lead Emma Kritz and parents Hugh and Ruth, and supported by other staff and parents. Thank you to WES Head of Adventure George Court for going straight from football pitch to the WESPA funded minibus and driving the boys all the way to SE19 and back and to Head of English Lorna Damms for the lunchtime preparation. What a team effort! The society is open to all boys and, aside from being a lot of fun, is a great way for our boys to foster open-mindedness, critical thinking and public speaking skills.
Y10 Work Experience
We’ve been chatting with WES Head of Careers (and Year 7) Horace Parry about how WESPA can help in this area. In July Year 10 students go out into the community for work experience. This is a hugely valuable opportunity and we’d like to make sure all students are able to participate and have as many options as possible. If anybody reading is able to, or knows any businesses big or small that are able to, host a Year 10 student, we’d love to hear from you.
- WESPA Social Friday - 22nd November
We are holding a social event for parents, carers and friends on Friday 22nd November. We have booked a space at local venue Duke of St Albans NW5 1QX from 7pm to have a chat, meet people and exchange ideas. We look forward to seeing you there.
- Next WESPA General Meeting and AGM - 27th November
Our next WESPA Meeting will be at 6.30pm on 27th November and will be in the school library. As always, all parents and carers are welcome. So whether there are things you want to discuss with fellow parents, hang out and make new friends or just eat biscuits, this is where the action is at.
- Winter Entertainment 2024 - 10th December
This event is open to all boys, parents, carers, wider community, friends and family and is free to attend, no booking or tickets required. Many students across all year groups will be performing and it will be great to support the boys at this annual event. It is also another great opportunity to meet other parents and families from across the various year groups. There will be a WESPA bar in the hall with refreshments galore! All proceeds going towards great WES causes. 5.30pm onwards.
And if you’re looking for something to do this weekend to support local environmental projects, reduce waste, spend time with friends and find some incredible pre-loved items (women's and teens'), why not check out WESPA friends Growing Green’s second hand clothes sale on Sunday from 11am - 3pm. More info on their site here:
Best wishes,