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  • Art, Design Technology and Food

    All projects in art design and technology and food are structured around the aim of teaching students the creative or problem-solving process. We break this into four stages: Develop ideas, refine and investigate, analyse and record and present outcomes. Students are then assessed on these four areas specify to each project in each of the specialist areas of art, design, technology and food. This allows students to make links between subject areas and develop the ability to approach projects with metacognition skills. We aim to allow student to feel confident in approaching problems and being able to understand artwork, design their own artworks, products or dishes and understand the world around them. Art design DT and Food allow student to gain cultural capital and have an appreciation of different cultures and the world around them. We try and take student on visits invite speakers into school to promote the career opportunities available from these subject areas.

    Art and Design

    Year 7

    What will your son study?

    The curriculum is divided up into two or three projects a year covering a wide range of media and art. The emphasis at the start of the year will be on building visual language skills and understanding colour theory. Students will also be taught how to evaluate their own work and the work of others through writing and speaking about art. In each project students will study a number of different artists and makers from a diverse range of backgrounds. Students will also complete activities to build their fine motor skills and accurate drawing such as using gridded drawing activities. Alongside the planned lesson the department also aims to take part in local projects, so we may introduce additional artists and designers into projects than those listed here (including going on visits or inviting visitors into school). At the end of their project students write to evaluate their work and consider the skills and meaning and how well they have achieved their aims.

    Autumn - Me, Myself and Eye

    Students will study mark making and tone in various media and produce a gridded drawing. Next, they are introduced to colour theory and learn about the colour wheel. They learn how to write about artists work by looking at Fauvist artists, Impressionist and Post-Impressionist artists, Hannah Hoch, and then develop work into a portrait combining different skills and materials. Finally, they develop their 2D work into a 3D outcome.

    Spring- Still Life

    Students are introduced to the concept of still life and how to use geometry and perspective. They produce a range of studies inspired by a range of artists. They look at how Cubist artists, Pop artists and Post-impressionist artists used still life, and produce a range of outcomes on this theme. They are introduced to a wide range of media and how to write about artists work. They make a still life outcome.

    Summer- Architecture for the moon

    Students look at the work of the artist Vasco Moruno, the Architect Norman Foster and other artists and designers and the theme of architecture. They make designs and produce sculptures using nets to create 3D sculptures. This is then collated to make a collaborative sculpture of life on the moon.

    Year 8

    What will your son study?

    Year eight work on two projects over the year and are introduced to range of artist and makers. They build and extend on the knowledge and skills from year seven future developing the range of materials they us and building on their fine motor skills. They are additionally introduced to printing and ceramics. They start each project by doing a gridded drawing to support the development accuracy and observational drawing skills and to allow for an assessment of progress in these areas. Students are taught to make their annotations and artist analysis more in depth using extended writing. They continue to write to evaluate their artwork and take part ion many literacy activities to recall and build their knowledge of specialist art vocabulary.

    Text in art

    Students look at artists that have used text in their artwork and they are introduced to a range of media. They study the work of Jasper Johns, Michael Craig Martin, Roy Lichtenstein, Ben Eine, Barbara Kruger and others. They make links to English and create an onomatopia collage. They produce an A3 2D mixed media outcome. They develop this into a 3d card construction outcome

    Pattern in nature

    Students use a range of media to draw natural forms. They look at the Islamic art and ceramics, William Morris, work of Damien Hurst and the links to geometry and maths. They produce a poly print using a design with a repeat pattern from their drawings and they design and make a ceramic outcome.

    Year 9

    What will your son study?

    Students work on two projects which allow them to re visit the creative process and the skills and knowledge they have learning in year 7 and 8. They are required to consider context and meaning more deeply and write to explain this about their work to support their development for KS4. They are required to write in depth artist studies using extended language and consider the effect of different choices that artists have made. They also take part in knowledge retention activities for skills and knowledge to solidify learning from y7 and 8. At the end of year nine students should be confident in using key visual language skills ( such as line, tone colour), understand how to analyse an artwork and be able to plan and make their own artworks with meaning.

    Ordinary extraordinary

    Students are introduced to the surreal art movement and a range of surreal artists including Dali, Magritte, Doretha Tanning and Frida Kahlo. They produce an artist study and learn how to use acrylic paint. They consider how to use juxtaposition and metaphors in their artwork. They are introduced to the work of Leonardo da Vinci and how art can be used to invent and produce an idea for an invention. They do several tasks in various media to develop the theme. They produce an A3 painting as their outcome.

    Urban landscape

    Students are introduced to a range of street artists and the concept of street art as protest. They work in different media and respond to the work of Banksy, Roa, Ben Eine and themes of climate change, political protest and artwork as a way to change localities. They produce an A3 collage outcome and they have to plan the message of their work and how to communicate it effectively.

    Food Technology

    Year 7

    What will your son study?

    The year is divided up into five projects- each one includes a food group- for example protein and one or more dishes. Students will learn the science behind each type of food and they will use the Eatwell guide to learn about healthy eating. They will then watch demonstrations and plan and make dishes. They will learn key skills such as knife skills within each project. The curriculum aims to teach students about food, how to feed themselves and live healthily and have a love for food including knowing about foods from around the world.

    By the end of key stage three students should be confident using a range of cooking techniques and be aware of all the main food groups. They are also taught good H and S and hygiene. They are introduced to the concept of seasonality of ingredients and the requirements of different diets.

    Please note that William Ellis is a nut free school to maintain a safe environment for students that have nut allergies.

    Autumn - Nutrition and protein

    Students will do two projects. The first one they learn about the rules of the food room and where to find equipment. They will learn about protein and its function and be introduced to the Eatwell guide. Then they will design a sandwich and learn knife skills before making a presenting their final sandwich.

    Carbohydrate and Fibre

    In the second project they will learn about fibre and carbohydrates and plan and make a festive dish which includes carbohydrates such as festive biscuits.

    Spring- Pizza party and minerals and fibre

    Students will learn about micro nutrients and taste test pizza. They will watch a demo about scone bases and plan to make a pizza. They will take part in a practical making a pizza then evaluate their work.

    Summer- Chips and dips -Food provenance and knife skills

    Students look at food waste, seasonality and climate change. They will watch a demonstration about mini carrot cakes and revise knife skills. Then they make chips and dips.

    Year 8

    What will your son study?

    Year eight work on several projects over the year and refer to the Eatwell guide. They build on the skills gained in y7 and begin to make more complex dishes combining two or more cooking methods. They also revisit skills and knowledge from y7 for example knife skills and protein. By the end of key stage three students should be confident using a range of cooking techniques and be aware of all the main food groups. Students will revisit themes they were introduced to in y7 and do a range of retrieval activities about good H and S and hygiene, seasonality of ingredients and the requirements of different diets and life stages. At the end of year eight they should be able to identify the areas of the Eatwell guide and what is required for good nutrition.

    Please note that William Ellis is a nut free school to maintain a safe environment for students that have nut allergies.

    Crazy carbs

    Students learn about heat transfer and watch a demo about cooking eggs. They learn about gelatinisation and sauces. Then watch a demo for how to make macaroni cheese. They do a practical to make macaroni cheese. They are taught about food spoilage and cross contamination. They will refer back to the Eatwell guide and also their learning from y7 in homework activities and at the start of the project to revisit H and S in the food room.

    Raising agents

    Students learn about different raising agents and watch a demo about making a swiss roll. They will then plan and make a yule log which they can decorate using a festive theme. They will learn how to use sensory language to plan and make their decorations.

    Fat Fanatics

    Students will taste test different pastry products and consider nutrition and sensory language. They will watch a demonstration of pastry making and then make a quiche. They will revisit the concept of food provenance then evaluate their work.

    Protein power

    Students will learn about gluten in flour and watch a demonstration of how to make bread rolls, then they will make their own bread rolls, and design their own ‘gourmet burger’. They will make and serve their burger and then evaluate it against the Eatwell guide.

    Fish cakes - Young to old

    Students will recap learning about micro and macro nutrient and they will learn about the nutritional needs of different age groups. Then they will consider how a fish cake can provide for different ages groups. They will watch a demonstration then cook fishcakes.

    Vegetable Patties- Fibre and food safety

    Students will recap on food safety and on nutritional needs. They will plan to make a Pattie using high fibre recipe. They will also revise previous topics and complete the end of year exams.

    Design Technology

    Year 7

    What will your son study?

    The year is divided up into two projects covering a wide range of media and design. The emphasis at the start of the year will be on building visual language skills and understanding colour theory. Students will also be taught how to use workshop tools safely while manufacturing their product. They will evaluate their own work and the work of others through writing and speaking about design. In each project students will study several different artists and makers from a diverse range of backgrounds.

    Autumn/Spring – Pull Along Toy

    Students will learn about different types of wood and the properties that make them ideal for different purposes. They will improve their drawing and rendering skills whilst learning the rules and safety of a DT workshop. They will be taught the most efficient and safe way to use the tools and the expectations for practical lesson.


    Students are introduced to the concept of graphics design. They will design a drinks carton for the Tate Modern to advertise an upcoming exhibition. This project allows for the introduction of Pop Art and the work of Roy Lichtenstein. Initial ideas will be created on paper which leads to the use of CAD (Computer Aided Design) where the final design will be created before it is printed onto card and manufactured.

    Year 8

    What will your son study?

    Year eight work on two projects over the year and are introduced to range of artist and makers. They build and extend on the knowledge and skills from year seven. They are introduced to Photoshop and continue to create outcomes based on a design brief and target audience. They start each project by doing a gridded drawing to support the development accuracy and observational drawing skills. Students are taught to make their annotations and artist analysis more in depth using extended writing.


    Students will design and make a poster for the travel industry to advertise a country linked to their heritage. They will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of the design process through the design brief and designing for a specific target audience. The will study the artist Holly Wales as part of this project and will be introduced to Photoshop to help them produce an outcome with a more professional aesthetic.

    Chocolate Wrapper

    Students will continue to develop their observational drawing skills and will focus on the project theme when they create their design ideas. They will learn about packaging and how important it is to the advertising and the aesthetics of the product. The chocolate that the wrapper will be designed for will be a limited edition created for a special event. The artist for this project is Cynthia Poole.

    Year 9

    What will your son study?

    Students work on one project which allow them to re visit the creative process and the skills and knowledge they have learning in year 7 and 8. They are required to consider context and meaning more deeply and write to explain this about their work to support their development for KS4.

    Branding - Nike

    Students are introduced to branding and brand identity. They will be asked to create a limited-edition range for Nike aimed at young adults. This will require them to research Nike and their target market. They will learn new drawing and presentation techniques. The designer/illustrator they will study for this project will be Matt Stevens. They produce an A3 design sheet that demonstrates the drawing skills they have learnt as part of this project for their final outcome.